I decided to share how incredible our evening was with you.
(Aren't ya'll on the edge of your seats now)???
Then, he gave me a wonderful card. Baker gets the BEST cards. He can walk into any store, with a minute to spare and find the most absolute, wonderful card fit for the occasion. Probably my reason for scoring him bonus points with reservations. He actually planned ahead. Moving on. Oh yes, my card . . . had a picture of two bare feet on the front.
The caption read:
I love the days when we never get around to shoes . . .
When all we get around to is us.
(Ahhhhh . . . sniff, sniff - (told you he picks the best cards))!!!
Then we had reservations on the waterfront at McCormick and Schmicks.
They personalized our menu's just for us!
By the way, I had the chef's recommendation and boy was it tasty! So much, that I inhaled my dinner and waited while Baker proceeded to eat the remaining three quarters of his plate. No kidding. I think I made olympic record time. So, I decided to use the restroom. At which point I ran into a family friend that goes way back. Probably since I was born way back.
HUGE Hugs.
I can't believe it!
How are you?
Why are you here? We are celebrating our anniversary!
Which anniversary? Our 8th.
It's Mr. M's 50th birthday and so we are celebrating together.
And so to conversation continued. In the restroom.
Until our men were wondering what on earth had happened to us.
So we parted ways with promises of whomever was leaving first to stop by the other's table to show pictures of my little girl (who's middle name happens to be the same as Mrs. M's).
We got dessert.
We got the bill.
We paid the bill . . . or so we thought.
And then our server came to our table.
Those really, really nice people, she says as she looks over her shoulder, just paid for your dinner.
Baker and I just stared at each other in shock.
Oh my goodness!
Are you kidding me?
So of course there were more hugs. Huge thank yous. And lots of showing pictures of my babies.
It was an unbelievable evening. One we will never forget. An evening that was truely heaven sent!

1 comment:
WOW!!! Tha is awesome! Thanks for sharing! What a special night!
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