- Go to bed earlier. My bedtime was ridiculous. Seriously. Midnight. 12:30 am. So my resolution is to go to bed by 10:30. So far . . . havin' a little trouble. So I may adjust it to 11pm. Still much earlier than I was previously ending the day.
- Be on time to my classes at the gym. I notoriously get to my class while everyone is warming up. ANNOYING. Much of this has to do with getting to bed earlier. Last week I did okay. I actually arrived before class started! But, I would like to have all my weights set up and ready to go.
- I would like to see some stomach muscles this year. I can feel them . . . but I can't see them yet. I still have my "baby love" hangin' around and I don't need that anymore.
- I want to read at least 12 books this year. Some parenting/marriage/spiritual and some fiction. The fiction is easy. The self help books are harder to follow thru to the end. I would love some suggestions. Anyone have some recommendations? BTW - this has to do with the going to bed earlier = reading before bed. I will have to be purposeful, as it is much easier to watch tv and be on the computer.
- I already shared the memorizing scripture with the kids in this post.
I'm sure I have more resolutions, but I have a little boy who just woke up @ 11:30pm. Which reminds me. . . I should be in bed already.

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